22 November 2011

Bird Conservation

A beautiful but rather sad video made by Louise du Toit this year calling for bird conservation and the preservation of their habitat.

22 October 2011

Grey Francolin

The Grey Francolin (Francolinus Pondicerianus) is very common in scrubland throughout this area. This bird can also be found in large numbers in grasslands and in cultivated areas near villages.

I intentionally prevent thorny bushes around the side of my cottage being felled by wood cutters in order to provide a safe sanctuary for the large number of Francolins that rummage and nest near my house.

Juvenile Grey Francolin

This bird is a plump, stub-tailed greyish brown game bird with chestnut blotching above, barred plummage and chestnut wings. The male is slightly larger than the female and has a pointed spur on each leg.

Adult Drinking

Gray Francolins are fast runners and prefer to run when approached or disturbed. They take to wings only when surprised in the bushes or when persistently chased.

Adult Grey Francolin

This bird lives and feeds on the ground in daytime, mostly in pairs or small parties, but at night roosts on small trees. Its food consists of grain, seeds, shoots, drupes, termites, and insects and it may occasionally take larger prey such as snakes.

Male Adult Eating

The loud calls of the birds are commonly heard early in the mornings. Pairs of birds engage in duet calls. The female call is a tee...tee...tee repeated and sometimes a kila..kila..kila and the challenge call kateela..kateela..kateela is a duet. They are usually seen in small groups.

Male with Spur on Leg

The breeding season is practically throughout the year. Clutch size of 4 to 8 cream coloured eggs with an incubation period of 21-23 days. Both parents are very attentive.


The nest is a grass-lined depression in the ground, usually hidden under bushes or in crop cultivation. The nest may sometimes be made above ground level in a niche in a wall or rock. The bird roosts in groups in low thorny trees

Adult with Young

06 October 2011

Purple Sunbird

Sitting on a roof-top in Rajiv Gandhi Nagar just off Chengam Road one kilometre west of Ramana Nagar, I noticed this beautiful Purple Sunbird enjoying his perch on an electricity pole.

Purple Sunbird on Electricity Pole

The Purple Sunbird (Nectarinia Asiatica) is small (about the size of a sparrow) with a slender, curved bill and a tubular tongue, which is well adapted for feeding on the nectar of flowers The male Purple Sunbird has two distinct types of plumage. The breeding male is characterised by the metallic bluish-black body, and the tuft of crimson and yellow feathers under each wing. In contrast, the non-breeding male Purple Sunbird has a much duller ‘eclipse’ plumage resembling the female, with yellow underparts and a dark line of feathers running down the centre of the throat and breast.

The female is a brown to olive-brown above, pale dull yellow below – but with darker wings and a broad black stripe running down middle of breast.

Mature Male Purple Sunbird

This bird which is common throughout Tiruvannamalai District prefers gardens, gardens, cultivated and scrub country and also light deciduous forest.

Its diet consists mostly of flower nectar as can be ascertained from its long, curved beaked, which is adapted for probing and sucking flower nectar. However the bird also feasts on insects and spiders and fruits.

This bird is often seen in pairs or small groups in which as many as 40 to 50 individuals have sometimes been noted.

Purple Sunbird Immature Male

A sharp monosyllabic 'wich, wich' uttered as it flits about This species is known to defend its territory by singing and chasing intruders.

In courtship displays the male raises its head, fans its tail and flutters with partly open wings that expose the pectoral tufts and sings before the female.

Female Sunbird

Purple Sunbird Male Molting

Sunbird in Flight

Nesting season flexible mostly March to May.The nest is a pouch made of cobwebs, thin strips of vegetation, lichens and bark. The entrance hole on the side is often shaded by a overhanging projection. The nest is built almost entirely by the female. The nest material is not woven and most of it is held together by cobwebs. About five to ten days may be taken in the building of the nest. The inner cavity is expanded by the bird by openings its wing and turning around on the inside.

Male Purple Sunbird
feeding young in nest

Only the female builds the nest and incubates the eggs which hatch after 15 to 17 days. There are usually 2 or 3 greyish or greenish white eggs marked with various shades of brown and grey. Males assist in feeding the chicks although females involve themselves to a greater extent, making more trips as the chicks get older.

Purple Sunbird feeding on Nectar

28 September 2011

Rose Ringed Parakeet

The Rose Ringed Parakeet, also known as the Ringnecked Parakeet, is a gregarious tropical parakeet species. This bird measures on average 16 ins in length including tail feathers with the tail accounting for a large amount of the bird’s total length. The wing span of the bird is around 5.9–6.9 ins.

Male on right, female bird on left

There are observable differences between the sexes of this species. With the adult male sporting a red neck-ring and the hen and immature birds of both sexes either have no neck rings, or display shadow-like pale to dark grey neck rings

The bird, commonplace all around the Arunachala area, can often be found banded in large flocks. Its call is a loud, sharp, screaming 'keeak, keeak, keeak' uttered both at rest and while flying. Its flight is swift and direct, with rapid wing beats.

This species is one of the most familiar of Indian birds, as much at home in the countryside as within villages and towns. The non-migrating Rose Ringed Parakeet is one of the few parrot species that has successfully adapted to living in 'disturbed habitats', and in that way has withstood the onslaught of urbanisation and deforestation.

In the wild, Rose-ringed parakeets usually feed on buds, fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries and seeds. Wild flocks also fly fly miles to forage in farmlands and orchards. This species feeds extensively on pigeon pea (Toor Dhal) during winters in India.

The Rose Ringed Parakeet's nesting season, which varies locally, is chiefly February to April. Its nest is generally a natural hollow in a tree-trunk, or one excavated by the birds themselves. Holes in rock scraps and walls of buildings, ruined or in occupation, often within noisy towns are freely utilized.

This bird lays 4-6, pure white, roundish oval shaped eggs. Both sexes share all domestic duties.

16 June 2011

Asian Openbilled Stork

I've never noticed this bird in large numbers around the Samudram Lake (south of Arunachala and popular location for migratory waterbirds). But occasionally spot small groups of the Openbill. This season have spotted this bird on several occasions visiting for a few days, but none have been actually residing at the Samudram this season.

The Asian Openbill is a large wading bird of the Stork family. It is white or greyish white, with black on the wings. It can sometimes be confused with other Storks, except for its unique black bill with narrow open gap.

Openbills at Samudram
Indian Spot Billed Ducks background

One of the commonest Storks throughout India. It is both a resident breeder and also migratory. Sexes are alike and the Asian Openbilled flocks singly or in groups at jheels and marshes.

Openbills foraging for food at Samudram

Openbill at Takeoff

This bird is broad-winged and soaring, relying on moving between thermals of hot air for sustained flight. Like all storks, it flies with its neck outstretched. When on ground it walks slowly and steadily.

Openbill in flight

The origin of the bill is unknown but believed to have originated with the opening of thick shells of snails found on marshes which forms a large part of its food in season. The Openbill also eats frogs, crabs, large insects.

The bird gets its name (Openbill)
from its peculiarly shaped bill

Juvenile Bird

Nesting season mostly between November and Marsh in South India. This bird breeds in colonies amongst mixed flocks of cormorants, egrets, painted storks etc.

Its nest is a platform of twigs in a tree with a central depression lined with leaves. It lays around 2-4 white eggs.

04 June 2011

Brahminy Starling

I receive many bird visitors throughout the day to my garden and am always on the lookout for the first time visitor. Whereupon I generally hurry for my camera, take a snap, and thereafter identify and learn more about the bird. In this case I observed for the first time a visit by two Brahminy Starlings to my garden

Starling on my Compound Wall

The Brahminy Starling (Sturnia Pagodarum) is a member of the Starling family. The species name Pagodarum was given based on the usual occurrence of the species on Temple Pagodas. The name Brahminy relates to its black crest which is similar to that of a Brahmin.

The bird is creamy orange with a black cap and a slight crest. The adult male has a more prominent crest than the female and also has longer neck hackles. Young birds have crestless sooty brown heads and duller coloration. The bill of this bird is yellow with a bluish base.

Adult Bird with Hackles
Photo by Douglas Janson

The Brahminy Starling has a merry chattering call with a pleasing song uttered during the breeding season.

Brahminy Starling on Drumstick Tree

The Brahminy Starling is usually seen in pairs or small flocks in open habitats. The bird which is a resident breeder in India is found in dry forest, scrub jungle and cultivation and is often found close to human habitations. It especially favours areas with waterlogged or marshy lands. It roosts communally in large numbers in leafy trees, often in the company of Parakeets and Mynahs.

The bird is omnivorous, eating fruit, insects and flower nectar and has been known to feed on the fruits of Thevetia Peruviana (Yellow Oleander) which are toxic to many vertebrates.

Pair of Brahminy Starlings
Photo by Koshy Koshy

It builds its nest in tree holes or artificial cavities. The breeding season is May to July. Both sexes take part in nest building. The nest is lined with grass, feathers and rags. The normal clutch is 3-4 eggs which are pale bluish green. The eggs hatch in about 12 to 14 days.

Bird with Nesting Material
Photo by J.M. Garg

In Flight

For more videos and photos go to this link here.

27 May 2011

White-breasted Waterhen

Right-click on all photographs to view enlargements.

The White-breasted Waterhen (Amaurornis phoenicurus) is a waterbird of the Rail and Crake family (Rallidae) and widely distributed across South Asia. During a previous season a couple of White-breasted Waterhens would daily visit my garden, which was my introduction to this bird, however since that time I haven’t personally spotted the White-breasted Waterhen in the Arunachala area.

Adult Waterhen [Photo: J.M. Garg]

This bird is a slaty grey stub-tailed long-legged marsh bird with white face and breast and bright rusty red under the tail. Immature birds are much duller versions of the adults. The adults are similar in size with the female being slightly smaller. The downy chicks are black, as with all Rails.

These birds are usually seen singly or in pairs as they forage slowly along the edge of a waterbody mainly on the ground but sometimes clambering up low vegetation. The tail is held up and jerked as they walk. They probe with their bill in mud or shallow water, also picking up food by sight. They mainly eat insects, small fish, invertebrates and seeds.

White-breasted Waterhen in flight

Although ordinarily a silent bird its very noisy during breeding season during the rains, when it makes loud, repetitive croaking calls. At that time it is heard chiefly on overcast days and often through the night.

The nesting season is mainly June to October but varies locally. They nest in a dry location on the ground in marsh vegetation, laying 6-7 eggs. Courtship involves bowing, billing and nibbling. The eggs hatch in about 19 days. Both sexes incubate the eggs and take care of the chicks. Chicks often dive underwater to escape predation. Adults are said to build a roost or brood nest where young chicks and the adults roost.

Mother White-breasted Waterhen with Chicks

Waterhen Chick

Juvenile Waterhen

24 May 2011

Birds' Favourite Trees

The below is an extract from Salim Ali 'The Book of Indian Birds', chapter 'Bird Watching'. I was fascinated by his advice and decided to make a positive identification of the birds' favoured trees with their fruit and flowers.

Bird Watching by Salim Ali
Favoured Trees

"Banyan and Peepul trees when in ripe fruit attract a multitude of birds of many species from far and wide and offer excellent opportunities to the bird watcher. A lively scene presents itself as party after party arrive, all eager to gorge themselves on the abundance spread around.

Banyan Tree

Banyan Tree Figs

There is a great deal of noise and chatter as the visitors hop from branch to branch in their quest. Bickering and bullying are incessant, but no serious encounters develop since every individual is much too preoccupied with the main business in hand. Such gatherings are ideal for studying the natural dispositions and ‘table manners’ of the various species.

Peepul Tree

Peepul Tree Figs

Some of the most charming and enjoyable venues for bird watching are certainly afforded by the Silk Cotton, Coral Flower, or Flame-of-the-Forest (Butea) trees in bloom. Their particular attractiveness lies in the fact that the trees, or the branches bearing the gorgeous flowers, are bare and leafless at this season, allowing a clear and unobstructed view of the visitors.

Silk Cotton Tree

Silk Cotton Tree Flower

Almost every small bird of the surrounding countryside flocks to the blossoms for the sake of the sugary nectar which they produce in such abundance. Riot and revelry prevails throughout the day, but especially in the mornings, and there is constant bullying, hustling and mock fighting amongst the roisterers.

Coral Flower Tree

Asian Pied Starling Feeding on Nectar
of Coral Tree Flower

A pair of good binoculars multiplies the pleasures of bird watching many-fold, and is indeed an indispensable item of the watcher’s equipment."

Flame of the Forest Tree (Butea)

Flame of the Forest Tree Flower

Glossy Ibis

Right-click on all photographs to view enlargements.

The Glossy Ibis (Plegadis Falcinellus) is a wading bird and is the most widespread of the Ibis family.

For feeding, the Ibis probes in the mud and silt with its bill looking for prey like the fiddler crab, freshwater shrimp, insects and small snakes.

The Glossy Ibis nests as part of a colony in trees, and often shares with other water birds such as Herons. In flight, the Ibis flies gracefully in a straight line or V-formation with its neck outstretched.

This bird is migratory and a colony of 40-50 are currently resident at Samudram Erie where they have been since the end of last year

Colony of Ibises at Samudram Erie

Video of Ibis Feeding

This bird lays 3-4 eggs in a nest of twigs and sticks usually built in trees or bushes but rarely on the ground. It builds its nests in colonies that includes other Ibises as well as the nests of different species such as Egrets and Herons. Occasionally, the Glossy Ibis will use an abandoned nest. The Ibis is very territorial during nesting.

The Ibis has a bleating call during breeding season but at other times is usually silent. Eggs take about three weeks to hatch. The female and male incubate the egg, but the female does most of the work. Both parents feed the chicks. The chicks fledge in about a month. They leave the nest and start to forage for food with their parents when they are two months old.

This bird is about 20 inches tall with a wingspan of about three feet. It has a long, dark gray bill that is curved down. Breeding adults have reddish-brown bodies and shiny bottle-green wings. Non-breeders and juveniles have duller bodies. This species has a brownish bill, dark facial skin bordered above and below in blue-gray (non-breeding) to cobalt blue (breeding), and red-brown legs.

Juvenile Bird

Adult Bird

To view more photographs and videos go to this link here.