19 February 2009

Bats in the Belfry!

Commonly found in many of the Temples at Tiruvannamalai are bats. I know lots of people are turned off by bats, but since an experience some years ago when I was able to touch and handle bats, I have become a real bat aficionado. Their coat is like silk and their soft body feels quite wonderful. They are intelligent and endearingly shy. All in all a very beautiful creature.

Recently I've been spending a lot of time in the Arunagirinatha Temple at Arunachala, which has a tidy size bat colony.

Some of whom are resident in the Krishna Shrine which is being currently developed in the Temple Compound.

And below a couple of little friends comfortably stationed between the wooden rafters of the roof of the shrine.

Below are some extracts from an excellent article about bats entitled Bat Tracks.

"Although people squirm at the very mention of the word ‘bat’, bats are rather clean animals, and groom frequently. The myth that all bats carry the rabies virus persists. However, statistics say that only 0.5 per cent of bats contract rabies. And bats, almost as a rule, only bite in self-defence. They pose no threat to people. Worryingly, being one of the slowest reproducing mammals of their size — bats produce one young a year — bats are extremely vulnerable to extinction. That these gentle, beneficial creatures have been widely misunderstood and neglected further adds to the danger.

The Indian Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 consigned bats to schedule V as ‘vermin’. While the more glamorous animals — elephants, rhinos, lions and tigers — have received considerable attention from conservationists in the country, bats have been largely ignored in such discourses.

Bats are the only mammals capable of true flight.

The 950 species of bats found worldwide are said to have originated from one of the oldest surviving species. One of the oldest fossils, Icaronycteris, is from the early Eocene era, dating back at least 50 million years.

Bat species in India are delicately balanced on the survival scale. Attitudes towards bats, myths about them, recklesshunting, disturbance of their natural habitat and lack of legal protection are all prodding bats away from a true chance at survival."

09 December 2008

Fork-Tail Black Kite

The Fork-Tailed Black Kite is commonly found at Tiruvannamalai, and is particularly noticeable flying in the thermals around Arunachala. The Tamil name for this bird is Kalu Parandu.

The nest of the Fork-Tailed Black Kite is usually an untidy platform of twigs, rags, wire and all sorts of rubbish. The nest is commonly located in a large tree, roof, or cornice of a building. Two or four eggs are laid in a batch.

Both sexes share in domestic duties.

In the below photograph a juvenile bird is practising his flying action.

The Fork-Tailed Black Kite is India's commonest raptor and is usually found in the neighbourhood of human habitations, whether a populated city or outlying village.

This Kite (Milvus migrans) is a medium-sized bird of prey in the family Accipitridae which also includes many other diurnal raptors such as eagles, buzzards, and harriers. It is about the size of a vulture.

The Kite will take small live prey as well as fish, household refuse and carrion. They are attracted to fires and smoke where they seek escaping insect prey. They are well adapted to living in cities and are found even in densely populated areas. Large numbers may be seen soaring in thermals over cities. In some places they will readily swoop to take to food offered by humans.

Differences between Raptor birds:

Kite - Any of several small graceful Hawks of the family Accipitridae having long pointed wings and feeding on insects and small animals

Eagle - Any of various large keen-sighted diurnal birds of prey noted for their broad wings and strong soaring flight

Hawk - Diurnal bird of prey typically having short rounded wings and a long tail

Falcon - Diurnal birds of prey having long pointed powerful wings adapted for swift flight

The Fork-Tailed Black Hawk is a very accomplished flier; turning and twisting, banking and stooping to scoop up scraps from the roadside and easily avoiding overhead telephone and electric wires.

18 October 2008

Baya Weavers Malaysia

Am posting these two amazing photographs of a group of baya weavers' nests. Really beautiful. Previously I made a posting about Baya Weavers at this link here, of several nests that I observed at Samudram Lake, Tiruvannamalai.

For absolutely no reason that I can understand some miscreant burnt down the acacia bush that was home to the lovely nests. It boggles belief that anyone could be mean-spirited to needlessly and spitefully burn down the tree and destroy the nests.

Maybe in Malaysia the nests in the above photographs are in a protected area, or maybe people there have a better understanding of conservation!

06 October 2008

Smart Crows!

Further to my recent posting on Crows, found the following excellent stories about discoveries on the intelligence of Crows. Click on each of the three narratives for the full story.

Crows are the Einsteins of the avian world
Tailcams' reveal cleverness of crows
Crows can be craftsmen, too


Crows may be smarter than apes

Researchers found evidence that the birds are able to outsmart people’s closest relatives when it comes to finding a way to access food without it falling into a trap.

Many studies have investigated the remarkable ability of crows from the Pacific island territory of New Caledonia to make tools from leaves, and customise them with great dexterity to extract grubs and caterpillars.Now a team from Auckland University, led by Prof Russell Gray, publishes what it says is "the most conclusive evidence to date" that the birds are indeed smart, showing that they can reason causally and use analogy in a way not seen even in our closest relatives, the great apes.

In the Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences, Prof Gray, Alex Taylor and colleagues describe experiments that were designed to work out what was going through the birds' minds.

The scientists presented crows with the trap-tube problem, where an animal had to extract food from a horizontal tube in a direction that avoids a trap, which swallows up the treat so they cannot eat it.

This problem can be solved by associating the relation between particular features of the trap-tube, such as the position of the hole or colour of the rim of the hole, with food. Alternatively an animal may "understand" how the task works but, until now, here has been no conclusive proof that animals reason causally when solving complex problems such as the trap-tube.

In this study, six New Caledonian crows were presented with a trap-tube with three arbitrary features inside it.

When the crows were presented with variations of the problem where these features were removed, three of the crows continued to solve the problem, suggesting the crows had not simply learn to pull the treat away from these features.

The scientist then presented the crows with a trap-tube with two holes. One hole allowed food to fall through it and out of the trap, so the bird could eat it. The other hole had a base and so trapped food that was pulled into it.

The three smartest crows failed to consistently solve this problem and appeared reluctant to pull the food into either hole, suggesting they were using the holes to guide their actions.

Finally, the crows were presented with a trap-table problem. In this problem an animal has to choose between pulling food across a wooden table or pulling food into a hole set in the table.

In a recent study 20 individuals from the great ape species were unable to transfer their knowledge from the trap-table and trap-tube or vice versa, despite the fact that both these problems work in the same way.

Strikingly the crows in the University of Auckland study were able to solve the trap-table problem after their experience with the trap-tube. By solving the trap-table the crows demonstrated that they had not just learnt to pull away from the specific hole in the Perspex trap-tube, but could generalise what they understood to a novel problem.

"The crows appeared to solve these complex problems by identifying causal regularities" said Prof Russell Gray of the University of Auckland. "The crows' success with the trap-table suggests that the crows were transferring their causal understanding to this novel problem by analogical reasoning.

However, the crows didn't understand the difference between a hole with a bottom and one without. This suggests the level of cognition here is intermediate between human-like reasoning and associative learning."

"It was very surprising to see the crows solve the trap-table" said Alex Taylor, a PhD student at the University of Auckland. "The trap table was visually different from the trap-tube in its colour, shape and material.

Transfer between these two distinct problems, the trap-tube and trap-table is not predicted by theories of associative learning and is something not even the great apes have so far been able to do".

[By Roger Highfield, Science Editor -- Telegraph UK]

01 October 2008

The Crow

Both the House Crow and Jungle Crow are to be found throughout Tiruvannamalai District. As I was sitting in my garden this afternoon I noticed both varieties feeding and generally taking over the area. Since I moved into this house nearly three years ago, I have regularly put food out for birds and animals but it was only about six months ago that the crows started to visit -- which was a pity because as I mention in the below posting both the House and Jungle Crows are great bullies to small ornamental birds.

I became so irritated with the 'Caw Caws,' as I nickname them, that I spoke with several farmers and villagers and also did some serious 'Goggling,' to find out how to deter both kinds of Crows visiting my garden. Well I found the most popular and supposedly 'fool proof' method practised in both India and the West is to kill a crow and hang it in a prominent spot -- meant to work like a charm -- but thought it a little too gruesome so went on to Plan B.

Plan B a local farmer assured me, was equally foolproof and that was to tie black rags in my trees at prominent spots. Well the day after this was done, I sat and waited to see what my regular Crow visitors would do. If ever a bird could look 'startled' -- that is exactly how I would describe the reaction of the visiting Crows. Well the black rags worked for about a day and a half and then the rags lost their dramatic impact, and the Crows happily returned in number.

Next I tried Plan C which was to tie shiny CD-Roms onto tree limbs and let them waive around in the wind. And the Crows actually didn't seem to like that especially on a sunny day (i.e. most days at Tiruvannamalai) when the revolving CDs shimmer and dazzle in the sunlight. Part two of Plan C (which I have yet to do) is to put wind chimes in the trees -- as this supposedly is meant to irritate Crows. We shall see!

In the meantime hope you enjoy the information and photographs I have gathered explaining the difference between two of the most numerous birds in Tiruvannamalai District i.e. the House Crow and the Jungle Crow.

House Crow

The House Crow (Corvus splendens) is a widespread resident of Tiruvannamalai District and can be found all over India except in high altitudes and forests. Its size is about that of a pigeon; around 42 cms with weight ranging between 250-350 gm. The bird has a glossy black plumage, except for its grey collar. Its bill, legs, and feet are black.

There are four geographical races of the House Crow which are based largely on paleness or darkness of the collar. Sexes alike. Its normal call is a harsh The voice is a harsh ‘caaa-caaa’ or a nasal ‘kaan kann’. It reserves its softer calls for resting and during courtship! Its name in Tamil is: Nalla Kaka, Maniyan Kakai

The bird is vocal, gregarious and seemingly unafraid of people. Audacious, cunning and uncannily wary. It is aggressive and will attack and chase off large birds of prey. Breeding pairs will repeatedly dive bomb humans near their nest. This species is able to make use of resources with great flexibility and appears to be associated with humans.

It is perhaps the most familiar bird of Indian towns and villages. It is a highly opportunistic bird and given its omnivorous diet, it can survive on nearly anything that is edible. It feeds largely on human scraps, small reptiles and other animals such as insects and other small invertebrates, eggs, nestlings, grain and fruits. Most food is taken from the ground, but also from trees as opportunity arises.

The House Crow is a useful scavenger but also a great bully and therefore a serious menace to defenseless ornamental bird species in urban areas. It enjoys community roosts in selected trees or groves where large numbers collect very night but is a solitary nester except in areas of high population density.

Its nest is generally a platform of twigs frequently intermixed with iron wire, with cuplike depression lined with tow, coir fibres. And in high density areas, sometimes there are several nests in the same tree. The House Crow will use trees, buildings, or other artificial structures for its rough stick nest lined with coir or other fibre. It lays 4-5 pale blue-green eggs, speckled with brown. Breeding season March through July. Its nest is regularly brood-parasitized by Asian Koel.


Jungle Crow

The Jungle Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos), or Indian Corby, is a widespread Asian species of Crow. It is highly adaptable and able to survive on a wide range of food sources. This bird has a large bill and due to this it is sometimes called Large-billed Crow or Thick-billed Crow. There are three sub-species within this group with one of them i.e. with Corvus (m.) Culminatus ‘Indian Jungle Crow’ being found in Tiruvannamalai District and other parts of India.

The bird is glossy jet black with a heavy bill and deep and horse ‘caw’. Sexes alike. Singly, pairs or loose parties. It is larger than the House Crow and is found throughout the Indian Union. Local Tamil names for it are Kaka and Kakam.

It is generally found in the countryside, but small numbers are also in towns and villages. The Jungle Crow associates with vultures to feed on carrion and its movements often lead to discovery of large cat kills hidden in the jungle which the bird is quick to locate. The bird is omnivorous, and highly destructive to eggs and chicks of other birds including domestic poultry and young of small mammals.

It has a long bill with the upper one thick and arched, making it look heavy and almost Raven-like. Generally, all forms have dark greyish plumage from the back of the head, neck, shoulders and lower body. Their wings, tail, face and throat are glossy black and the depth of grey shading is almost black. It will take food from the ground or in trees and attempts to eat anything, alive or dead, plant or animal. It is also one of the most persistent species. It is quite bold, especially in urban areas.

The nest is a platform of twigs, usually high up on a tree. There are normally 3-5 eggs. The egg is a broad oval, pointed at the smaller end. The colour is any shade of blue-green, blotched and speckled. In Peninsular India the Jungle Crow breeds from December to April. The nest is built in a fork of a tree, and is a shallow cup of sticks, sometimes neat and well made, sometimes sketchy and ragged; it is lined with grass roots, wool, rags, vegetable fibre, and similar materials. Some nests have been found to be built partly or exclusively of wire. Both sexes share parental duties. Nests frequently parasitized by Koel.

Gregarious at roosts with many thousands at some sites. Large flocks may be seen at dusk arriving at major roosts. The birds’ voice is deeper and more resonant than the House Crow with its usual sound being "caaa-caaa-caaa".

30 August 2008

Seshadri Swami and Birds

The following is a very nice extract from 'Seshadri Swamigal of Tiruvannamalai,' by S.A. Subramanian relating a story about Sri Seshadri Swami and a flock of birds.

"Venkatachala Mudaliar and his wife Subbalakshmi Ammal were earnest devotees of Swamiji. Quite often Swamiji used to visit them, take food in their house and talk to them in a jolly fashion. In the centre of their house there were two poorvarasa (portia) trees and two drumstick trees. It was a new moon day. Swamiji dropped in at 4 p.m. and said, “Subbalakshmi, come here, I will show you some fun.” When she asked what he was going to show, Swamiji was looking into the sky through the open verandah and raised his hands calling out, “Come! Come!” Immediately one crow came, then another crow flew in, then five, ten, fifty, hundred crows flew in; likewise a number of other species of birds like pigeons, parrots, various types of sparrows – yellow sparrows, black sparrow etc., all flew in.

They all crowded the whole place including the neighbouring house, sitting on the ground, on the roof, on the trees, etc., and started making a noise and jumping hither and thither and playing. Swamiji was standing in their midst and played with the birds. Subbalakshmi was watching the scene with curiosity. A few minutes elapsed when she told Swamiji. “You have called the birds from somewhere and are playing with them like this! After all they will also feel hungry and thirsty. Will their young ones not feel anxious?” Swamiji asked, “But should I ask them to go back?” Saying that, he took a strand from his shoulder cloth and blew it. Immediately all the birds departed."

Evening Walk

In the evenings my six doggies and I go on a leisurely walk in nearby open tracts of land. Here is a very nice photograph of Arunachala in the background.

Certainly miss out on a lot while on walkies with my bunch of dogs - but even with them there is still lots of interesting wildlife to view.

In the below photograph an interesting mix of birds. A drongo at the top, an Indian Roller to the right and several Mynah Birds scattered around.

In the next photograph a Rose Ringed Parakeet having a peep inside this tree, which is the cause of many fights between a colony of Parakeets who live in the area.

Below the same Parakeet perched high over his tree and checking out the territory.

And a very nice photograph of an Indian Roller

Hope that in our next home, there will be sufficient space to build my doggies a huge enclosure to play in while I have some 'bird-watching' time concealed in a nice 'hide'.

Background of Shrikes

Common Woodshrike

The following series of photographs are of the Common Woodshrike, of slight variety of colouration. There is more information of this bird species in the upcoming issue of Arunachala Grace News. If you are not yet a subscriber to the Newsletter, please check out the 'subscribe facility' at the left column of Arunachala Birds, in order to become a free subscriber and have a copy of the monthly Arunachala Grace News sent direct to your email inbox.

Other species with similar names and popularly called "Shrikes," (but not in the Laniidae Family) are in the following other families:

Prionopidae: Helmetshrikes.
Malaconotidae: Puffback Shrikes, Bush Shrikes, Tchagras and Boubous.
Campephagidae: Cuckoo-Shrikes.

The Prionopidae and Malaconotidae are quite closely related to the Laniidae, and were formerly included in the Shrike family. Cuckoo-Shrikes and allies in the Campephagidae family are small to medium-sized passerine bird species found in the subtropical and tropical Asia, Africa, and Australasia.

Wood-shrikes (Tephrodornis) were often considered to be in this family but are probably closer to Helmetshrikes or Bushshrikes. The South Asian group of Woodshrikes which are found in scrub or open woodland are similar in feeding habits to Shrikes, hunting insects and other small prey from a perch on a bush or tree.

There are various other varieties of Shrike are to be found in Tiruvannamalai District, so hope to give more information about them in upcoming posts.

24 July 2008

The Shikra

The Shikra (Accipiter Badius) is a small bird of prey in the family Accipitridae which also includes many other diurnal raptors such as eagles, buzzards and harriers. It is a widespread resident breeder throughout south Asia and can be sighted throughout Tiruvannamalai District.

This bird is a small raptor with short broad wings and a long tail, both adaptations to fast manoeuvring. The normal flight of this species is a characteristic "flap–flap–glide".

The adult Shikra has pale grey upperparts, and is white, finely barred reddish below. Sexes are similar except that female is larger than the male. The juvenile is brown above and white, spotted with brown below. It has a barred tail.

Shikra is a bird of open woodland including savannah and cultivation. Its hunting technique is similar to other small hawks such as Sparrowhawk, relying on surprise as it flies from a hidden perch or flicks over a bush to catch its prey unaware. The prey is lizards, dragonflies, and small birds and mammals.

It nests in trees, building a new nest each year and laying 3-7 eggs.

For more information about this intriguing bird, check out the upcoming Arunachala Grace Newsletter, August issue. If you don't yet have a free subscription sign up at the facility on the left hand column of this page.

23 July 2008

Amazing Peacock Photos

All these photographs (except for the very last one) were taken at Ramana Ashram one morning. I think they are fascinating in the way they show the structure of the body and feathers of this bird.

These tail feathers, or coverts, spread out in a distinctive train that is more than 60 percent of the bird’s total body length and boast colorful "eye" markings of blue, gold, red, and other hues. The large train is used in mating rituals and courtship displays. It can be arched into a magnificent fan that reaches across the bird's back and touches the ground on either side. Females are believed to choose their mates according to the size, color, and quality of these outrageous feather trains.

There are two familiar peacock species. The blue peacock lives in India and Sri Lanka, while the green peacock is found in Java and Myanmar (Burma). A more distinct and little-known species, the Congo peacock, inhabits African rain forests.