
30 August 2008

Evening Walk

In the evenings my six doggies and I go on a leisurely walk in nearby open tracts of land. Here is a very nice photograph of Arunachala in the background.

Certainly miss out on a lot while on walkies with my bunch of dogs - but even with them there is still lots of interesting wildlife to view.

In the below photograph an interesting mix of birds. A drongo at the top, an Indian Roller to the right and several Mynah Birds scattered around.

In the next photograph a Rose Ringed Parakeet having a peep inside this tree, which is the cause of many fights between a colony of Parakeets who live in the area.

Below the same Parakeet perched high over his tree and checking out the territory.

And a very nice photograph of an Indian Roller

Hope that in our next home, there will be sufficient space to build my doggies a huge enclosure to play in while I have some 'bird-watching' time concealed in a nice 'hide'.

1 comment:

  1. Your dogs look beautiful and very nicely fed too.
