24 July 2008

The Shikra

The Shikra (Accipiter Badius) is a small bird of prey in the family Accipitridae which also includes many other diurnal raptors such as eagles, buzzards and harriers. It is a widespread resident breeder throughout south Asia and can be sighted throughout Tiruvannamalai District.

This bird is a small raptor with short broad wings and a long tail, both adaptations to fast manoeuvring. The normal flight of this species is a characteristic "flap–flap–glide".

The adult Shikra has pale grey upperparts, and is white, finely barred reddish below. Sexes are similar except that female is larger than the male. The juvenile is brown above and white, spotted with brown below. It has a barred tail.

Shikra is a bird of open woodland including savannah and cultivation. Its hunting technique is similar to other small hawks such as Sparrowhawk, relying on surprise as it flies from a hidden perch or flicks over a bush to catch its prey unaware. The prey is lizards, dragonflies, and small birds and mammals.

It nests in trees, building a new nest each year and laying 3-7 eggs.

For more information about this intriguing bird, check out the upcoming Arunachala Grace Newsletter, August issue. If you don't yet have a free subscription sign up at the facility on the left hand column of this page.

23 July 2008

Amazing Peacock Photos

All these photographs (except for the very last one) were taken at Ramana Ashram one morning. I think they are fascinating in the way they show the structure of the body and feathers of this bird.

These tail feathers, or coverts, spread out in a distinctive train that is more than 60 percent of the bird’s total body length and boast colorful "eye" markings of blue, gold, red, and other hues. The large train is used in mating rituals and courtship displays. It can be arched into a magnificent fan that reaches across the bird's back and touches the ground on either side. Females are believed to choose their mates according to the size, color, and quality of these outrageous feather trains.

There are two familiar peacock species. The blue peacock lives in India and Sri Lanka, while the green peacock is found in Java and Myanmar (Burma). A more distinct and little-known species, the Congo peacock, inhabits African rain forests.

29 June 2008

Owl Visitor

This week I got a lovely owl visitor who stayed around my garden for a couple of days as I believe he was disorientated and taking a breather.

The below is a photograph of the nearby deserted pump house that he calls home, unfortunately the landowner and some of his friends, spent a morning burning nearby thorny bushes and the smoke and noise of the men frightened the owl away from its home.

This is one of the entrances/exits to his home which I'm sure is shared by lots of other birds - all-in-all quite a nice little residence.

Sadly for me but happily for the owl, after a couple of days everything had settled down nicely and he went back to his upmarket home. But it got me thinking about owl boxes and how easy it is to make them a very nice residence (as in the below photograph).

And also below a drawing showing the plan for a simple do-it-yourself owl box.

On further investigation found some interesting links about bird boxes:

A comprehensive guide on how to build birdhouses and nest boxes for many avian species.

To learn how to build nest boxes from off-the-shelf materials, this site illustrates some several creative ways to build boxes for barn owls from drums and boxes.

You can buy Bio-Diversity’s Construction guides (at a modest charge) for barn owls and kestrels. There are suggestions for location, equipment needed and step-by-step instructions.

28 June 2008

Indian Pond Heron

The Indian Pond Heron (Ardeola grayii) is a very common species throughout Tiruvannamalai District, where it is often quite tame and easily approachable. Found wherever there is water, river, jheel, roadside ditch or Temple pond.

Its normal way of feeding is to stand hunched up at water's edge or wading in the shallows, waiting patiently for movements and jabbing at the quarry when opportunity offers - its diet consists of freshwater molluscs, amphibians and insects

Searching for food

Non breeding Indian Pond Heron

Indian Pond Heron with Breeding Plummage

In Flight

Its an egret-like marsh bird chiefly earthy brown when at rest, but with glistening white wings, tail and rump that flash into prominence immediately it flies. Its flight is heron-like; steady wing beats with neck pulled in. This bird at rest is quite drab, and the contrast when it takes flight and suddenly becomes a blur of white, is really spectacular.


Its breeding habitat is marshy wetlands nesting in mixed congregations of crows and other birds in large leafy trees. Its nesting season in South India is November to January and it lays 3-5 pale greenish blue eggs. In the below photograph an adult Heron is tending some very hungry juveniles.

Chinese Pond Heron

To the east of its range, The Indian Pond Heron is replaced by the Chinese Pond Heron (Ardeola Bacchus) which is slightly larger but almost indistinguishable during the non-breeding season.

Non Breeding Adult Chinese Pond Heron

Chinese Pond Heron in Breeding Plummage

19 June 2008

Garden Lizard

This beautiful lizard seems to have made his home in the garden. In the following sequence of photographs he is gently sunning himself in the afternoon sun. I was experimenting with my new camera lens and he seemed to understand what was needed of him, and gave me some very nice poses.

25 May 2008

Black Drongo

There are nine species of Drongo and all of them come in wholly glistening black plumage except for two whose names are suggestive of the slight difference, that is, the white-bellied Drongo and the ashy-Drongo. In body size, they are all comparable to the Dove but with a much longer tail, ending in a deep, wide fork. The variety most particularly associated with Tiruvannamalai District is the Black Drongo. A dark red iris and a white beauty spot, the size of an aspirin tablet, between the eyes and the beak distinguish it from others of his species.

Photos of the Black Drongo

Drongo rolling for ants


Nesting Habits of the Black Drongo

The Black Drongo Dicrurus Macrocercus (Tamil=Karuvattu Vali) or Common King-Crow lays (throughout India) in April, August, but primarily in May, June and July.

The bird builds its nest in a fork of a tree, generally 10-30 feet from the ground. The nest of the King-Crow is usually composed of tiny twigs and fine grass-stems, and the roots of khus-khus grass, neatly and tightly woven together, and exteriorly bound round with a good deal of cobweb, in which a few feathers are sometimes entangled; the nest is generally a flimsy concern and the eggs are often visible from below. The cavity is broad and shallow, and at times lined with horsehair or fine grass, but most commonly only with khus. The bottom of the nest is very thin, but the sides or rim rather firm and thick; with cavity around 4 inches in diameter, and about 1½ in depth. This bird lays from between 3-5 eggs varying in size from 0·87 to 1·15 inch, and in breadth from 0·7 to 0·85. With the eggs varying greatly in colour, with some almost a pure white, and others spotted and blotched, especially at the larger end, with claret and light purple on a rich salmon-colored ground

The nest with young

The Drongo is very jealous of the approach of other birds (even of their own species) to a nest in which they have eggs. They are pugnacious to a degree, fearlessly attacking every bird that approaches the tree on which the nest may be. The birds are very noisy in the breeding-season, keeping all intruders off. The bird favours large trees preferably standing alone in the open. The Black Drongo puts Crows and Kites to flight should they venture to plunder bird nests of eggs and hatchlings. So peace-loving birds such as Doves and Mynahs prefer to build their nests directly below those of the Drongo.

Young Drongo experiencing the world!

Adult Drongo with juvenile

The Black Drongo i.e. King-Crow, so conspicuous on the backs of cattle, telegraph-wires, all through the cold and hot seasons, is conspicuous by its absence during the breeding-season. Many of them retire to woods and gardens to breed, but even when they do not, they keep very quiet while they have their nests and hardly ever show themselves out of the tree.

Nice Video of a group of Black Drongos

I found a very interesting article by a bird lover on a mob Drongo Bird attack on a person. The article is amusing BUT shows just how aggressive and fearless this bird is!

"Drongos Attack!

You’re invited to join me for a morning jog… Just be prepared for a possible attack from above! Actually, possible attack from above, from below, from the right, from the left, and especially from the rear. It’s a bird; it’s a plane-- No! It’s the Black Drongo! The Black Drongo is a large, loud, black bird that has absolutely no fear of humans. To read more. Go to this link>>>

24 April 2008

Indian Treepie

This very pretty bird is a regular visitor to my garden. Bearing in mind its very dashing good looks, I was surprised to learn that it is in fact a member of the Corvidae (crow) family.

This bird is common throughout Tiruvannamalai District and equally happy in open forest, scrub, plantations and gardens

It lives on fruits, invertebrates, small reptiles and the eggs and young of birds; it has also been known to take carrion. It is extremely agile while searching for food, clinging and clambering through branches and will sometimes travel in small mixed hunting parties with unrelated species such as drongos and babblers.

The Indian Treepie has a variety of calls, some loud, harsh and guttural and others pleasing and melodious. One of its commonest calls is kokila and a bob-o-link!

31 March 2008

So Many Babblers!

They are many varieties of Babblers to clear up some confusion, I list some differences in two varieties of this bird species.


Common Babbler

The Common Babbler is slim, earthy brown with upper plumage streaked darker. This bird can be easily identified from other Babblers because of its long, graduated, finely cross-rayed, loosely attached tail. It prefers dry open country and semi-desert with thorn scrub and shrubby vegetation. The Common Babbler feeds on the ground and scuttles along like a rat through thorn scrub and thickets, as it is loth to fly. It has a feeble flight which is comprised of a few rapid flaps, followed by a glide on outspread wings and tail.


Yellow Eyed Babbler

The Yellow Eyed Babbler (of which there are three different varieties) is mostly a dweller of thorn scrub and grass jungle, commonly met in patches and separating cultivated fields. This bird be easily identified by the conspicuous orange-yellow ring around the eyes.

17 March 2008

Salim Ali – Ornithologist

The most famous ornithologist of India, is Salim Ali (1896-1987) known as the "Birdman of India." Born as the tenth and youngest child of a Muslim family of Bombay, the lad was orphaned at the age of ten and was brought up by his maternal uncle.

Salim Ali was introduced to the serious study of birds by the Secretary of the Bombay Natural History Society, a Mr. W.S. Millard, which was to fuel Salim's pursuit of a career in ornithology. After a difficult early education at St.Xavier's College, Mumbai, he dropped out and went to Tavoy, Burma, which gave him the opportunity to develop skills as a naturalist and hunter.

In 1917, Salim returned to India, resumed his education, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Zoology and in the following year married a distant relation. In 1926 he was hired as a guide lecturer at the History Section of the Prince of Wales Museum, Mumbai. In 1930, as the position of guide lecturer has been eliminated due to lack of funds, Salim moved to a coastal village near Mumbai, where he began making observations of the Baya Weaver bird.

He later undertook a systematic bird study of various Indian princely States, and with Richard Meinertzhagen, made an expedition into Afghanistan. Salim Ali was accompanied and supported on early ornithological surveys by his wife, who sadly died in 1939.

Salim Ali was very influential in ensuring the survival of the Bombay Natural History Society, the Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary and the Silent Valley National Park. In 1990, the Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History was established at Anaikatty, Coimbatore aided by the Government of India, Ministry of Environment and Forests. Salim also took an interest in bird photograph with a friend Loke Wan Tho.

Ifyou are interested in obtaining what is regarded as the definitive compendium of Indian ornithology, you could do no better than purchasing a copy of Salim Ali, Book of Indian Birds.

Red Wattled Lapwing

The Red-Wattled Lapwing is a bird commonly found around Tiruvannamalai. Probably the most uncommon and distinctive thing about it, is its amusing and easy recognisable call, which sounds like a scolding, did-he-do-it; often uttered throughout the night.

In the below photograph you can easily see another curious thing about this bird which is its white V-shape wingbar prominent only while in flight.

This bird which is a large wader is often found at the banks of reservoirs and water catchment areas, and is in great numbers around the Samudram Lake area here at Arunachala.