
16 February 2013

My Junior Francolin

The Grey Francolin (Francolinus Pondicerianus) is very common in scrubland throughout this area. This bird can also be found in large numbers in grasslands and in cultivated areas near villages. To read my previous posting go to this link here.

Checking for Seeds

I intentionally prevent thorny bushes around the side of my cottage being felled by wood cutters in order to provide a safe sanctuary for the large number of Francolins that rummage and nest near my cottage. 

Sharing the table with Babblers

Some time back a Francolin nesting at the back of my cottage, started to visit my compound with her six chicks, and my dogs and I got quite used to Mother and her young brood wandering around the compound looking for nice eatables. Glad to see that Mother’s tuition has had positive results, and her chicks, now grown to be juveniles have enough confidence to pay regular visits to my compound and to the eating table. 

My Junior

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