
18 February 2012

A Garden Paradise

I was fascinated to read an online report about a couple in the U.K. who have transformed a half acre patch of scrub into an avian paradise.

Within this coming year I intend purchasing around 5 acres of unspoilt Arunachala Countryside, in order to create and develop such a bird haven. In this respect in my current home, I have already started growing young trees favoured by both indigenous and migratory birds to this area, for replanting on the land once identified and acquired.

If readers of Arunachala Birds have experience in creating happy bird environments, or would like to share ideas or information on such an endeavour, I would be VERY happy to hear from you. Please email me at the address on the top of the left column of this page.

The report from the U.K. goes thus:-

“With just a lawn, no feeder, and few perches, to most birds the bare patch of land – was hardly worth even a flying visit.

The Idyllic Bird Paradise

But after six years of green-fingered nurturing, the bare half acre patch of land has been transformed into an avian paradise for a huge variety of species. Which includes peregrine falcons, barn owls, kestrels, pheasants, woodpeckers, nightingales, doves and swallows.

Left to Right:
Sparrow Hawk, Woodpecker, Pheasant

This bird paradise has five distinct zones – which includes a flower area, pond, vegetable patch, as well as shrub and herb sections. In addition there is a bird bath, a wood pile and an unkempt area of pignut, wild red clover and wild fennel – ideal for honey bees. There are also hedges of hawthorn and blackthorn, with willow and conifer trees, home to several ring-necked doves.

Left to Right:
Doves, Blue Tits, Woodpecker

In the first hour of their latest bird census, 27 species alone were recorded visiting the avian paradise.”

Left to Right:
Green Woodpecker, Heron

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