
28 September 2011

Rose Ringed Parakeet

The Rose Ringed Parakeet, also known as the Ringnecked Parakeet, is a gregarious tropical parakeet species. This bird measures on average 16 ins in length including tail feathers with the tail accounting for a large amount of the bird’s total length. The wing span of the bird is around 5.9–6.9 ins.

Male on right, female bird on left

There are observable differences between the sexes of this species. With the adult male sporting a red neck-ring and the hen and immature birds of both sexes either have no neck rings, or display shadow-like pale to dark grey neck rings

The bird, commonplace all around the Arunachala area, can often be found banded in large flocks. Its call is a loud, sharp, screaming 'keeak, keeak, keeak' uttered both at rest and while flying. Its flight is swift and direct, with rapid wing beats.

This species is one of the most familiar of Indian birds, as much at home in the countryside as within villages and towns. The non-migrating Rose Ringed Parakeet is one of the few parrot species that has successfully adapted to living in 'disturbed habitats', and in that way has withstood the onslaught of urbanisation and deforestation.

In the wild, Rose-ringed parakeets usually feed on buds, fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries and seeds. Wild flocks also fly fly miles to forage in farmlands and orchards. This species feeds extensively on pigeon pea (Toor Dhal) during winters in India.

The Rose Ringed Parakeet's nesting season, which varies locally, is chiefly February to April. Its nest is generally a natural hollow in a tree-trunk, or one excavated by the birds themselves. Holes in rock scraps and walls of buildings, ruined or in occupation, often within noisy towns are freely utilized.

This bird lays 4-6, pure white, roundish oval shaped eggs. Both sexes share all domestic duties.


  1. I love these birds, but didn't realise until recently just how noisy they are . . specially when they are squabbling.

  2. We have flocks of them in Bakersfield California

  3. They are very prolific breeders. Folk brought them in from where they lived indigenously, and then some escaped, others were released. Resulting in this bird species having huge populations throughout the Western World.

    For a heart-warming video on the Rose Ringed Parakeet watch the below link to a video on You Tube.

    About a local man in Chennai, South India, who feeds 4,000 parakeets a day.
