
28 June 2008

Indian Pond Heron

The Indian Pond Heron (Ardeola grayii) is a very common species throughout Tiruvannamalai District, where it is often quite tame and easily approachable. Found wherever there is water, river, jheel, roadside ditch or Temple pond.

Its normal way of feeding is to stand hunched up at water's edge or wading in the shallows, waiting patiently for movements and jabbing at the quarry when opportunity offers - its diet consists of freshwater molluscs, amphibians and insects

Searching for food

Non breeding Indian Pond Heron

Indian Pond Heron with Breeding Plummage

In Flight

Its an egret-like marsh bird chiefly earthy brown when at rest, but with glistening white wings, tail and rump that flash into prominence immediately it flies. Its flight is heron-like; steady wing beats with neck pulled in. This bird at rest is quite drab, and the contrast when it takes flight and suddenly becomes a blur of white, is really spectacular.


Its breeding habitat is marshy wetlands nesting in mixed congregations of crows and other birds in large leafy trees. Its nesting season in South India is November to January and it lays 3-5 pale greenish blue eggs. In the below photograph an adult Heron is tending some very hungry juveniles.

Chinese Pond Heron

To the east of its range, The Indian Pond Heron is replaced by the Chinese Pond Heron (Ardeola Bacchus) which is slightly larger but almost indistinguishable during the non-breeding season.

Non Breeding Adult Chinese Pond Heron

Chinese Pond Heron in Breeding Plummage


  1. AnonymousJuly 01, 2008

    AMAZING photos. Great.

  2. AnonymousJuly 01, 2008

    Just beautiful.

  3. I've seen this bird. Its true it looks so drab while its on the ground and when it takes off in flight - gorgeous.
